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Fishermen Killed in Congolese Soldier Attack on Lake Edward

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The territorial police in Rukungiri district are investigating the deaths of two fishermen, Sunday Moses (22) and Namanya Innocent (26), believed to have been killed at Lake Edward’s waters.

Sunday Moses, a resident of Rumira cell, and Namanya Innocent, from Kyehunde village, were both fishermen at Rwenshama landing site. According to Kigezi Region Police spokesman ASP Elly Maate, the tragedy unfolded on 8th July 2024 when the two, along with three other fishermen—Atwibu Mwesigwa, Mukasa Rajabu Midedo, and Byaruhanga Apollo—set out to fish in Lake Edward under the employ of Mugenyi Aisha.

After three days of fishing, on 11th July 2024, the group was preparing their hooks in the Kagezi area of DR Congo when they spotted Congolese soldiers approaching. Atwibu Mwesigwa raised the alarm, prompting the fishermen to flee in different directions as the soldiers began firing bullets. Upon regrouping at their meeting point, they found Sunday Moses and Namanya Innocent missing.

Mukasa Rajabu Midedo, Byaruhanga Apollo, and Mwesigwa Atwibu returned to Rwenshama landing site, reporting the incident to their employer and local residents. A search ensued, culminating in the discovery of the missing fishermen’s bodies on 15th July 2024 along the shores of Lake Edward in the Kagezi area of DR Congo.

The disappearance was initially registered at Rwenshama police station but is now being treated as a murder investigation. Statements have been recorded from the survivors, and postmortems have been conducted. Inquiries are ongoing at Rukungiri Central Police Station under reference numbers CRB: 830/2024 and 831/2024.

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