Check Out: Police to Release Thousands of Impounded Boda Bodas Across Uganda

Boda boda motorcycles at a stage

In a major announcement, the traffic police have revealed plans to release thousands of unclaimed boda bodas and motorcycles impounded in various operations nationwide. Traffic Police Spokesperson Michael Kananura addressed journalists on Monday, stating that owners can reclaim their vehicles provided they bring the necessary documentation.

“We have numerous motorcycles parked at different police stations across the country, particularly in the Kampala Metropolitan Area, that remain unclaimed. We urge the public to come forward with the required documents to reclaim their motorcycles,” Kananura said.

He clarified that most of these motorcycles are not subject to ongoing investigations. “Even those whose motorcycles went missing might find them among the ones parked at police stations. Owners should come for them.”

Over the years, police operations have primarily targeted boda boda riders without licenses, reflector jackets, and helmets, aiming to enforce traffic discipline and reduce road accidents in Uganda. Kananura emphasized that many of the currently impounded motorcycles were taken for minor offenses such as lacking permits, helmets, and reflective jackets.

However, Kananura noted that owners must pay for express penalty tickets in addition to proving ownership to reclaim their motorcycles. He also mentioned that motorcycles involved in serious crimes like robbery, murder, and accidents will not be released, as they are still under investigation or involved in court cases.

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