High Court Hears Dramatic Testimonies in Molly Katanga Murder Trial

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The highly anticipated trial of Molly Katanga, accused of orchestrating the murder of her husband, Henry Katanga, on November 2, 2023, resumes today at the High Court in Kampala. The proceedings, which commenced on July 9, 2024, have already seen four prosecution witnesses take the stand before Justice Isaac Muwata.

The prosecution’s case has faced significant hurdles, with several witnesses providing contradictory testimonies. Earlier this week, Dr. Julius Muhwezi, a police officer from the Police Directorate of Health Services in Nsambya, retracted his previous statement, citing legal constraints imposed by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) on case preparation. This was followed by another police officer, Peter Owang from Bugolobi police station, who altered his account of the events from the night of the murder, casting doubts on his credibility.

The defense team, led by lawyer MacDosman Kabega, has seized upon these inconsistencies to undermine the prosecution’s case. Representing the state are Assistant Director of Public Prosecutions Samali Wakooli and Chief State Attorney Jonathan Muwaganya, while the defense includes Peter Kabatsi, Jet Tumwebaze, Bruce Musinguzi, and Elison Karuhanga.

Molly Katanga is charged with murder, while her daughters, Patricia Kankwanzi and Martha Nkwanzi, face charges of destroying evidence. Additionally, the family’s shamba boy, George Amanyire, and medic Charles Otai are charged with being accessories after the fact. As the trial continues, the courtroom remains on edge, awaiting further revelations and testimonies.

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