“Tragedy on Tranquil Waters: UPDF Fisheries Soldier Mysteriously Found Dead on Lake Victoria”

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Security operatives in Namayingo District have embarked on investigations on the mysterious disappearance of a UPDF soldier attached to Fisheries Protection Unit at Lolwe Marine Detach.It is alleged that Private Luke Kaponyang, R/A.248760, disappeared while on duty.

According Namayingo Deputy Resident District Commissioner Trevor Solomon Baleke, Kaponyang, 28, was killed while on duty.He says the soldier disappeared on May 15 at 4:30am when Kenyan fishermen kidnapped him while on duty.

Preliminary investigations indicate that the deceased was in company of four of others under the leadership of Lt Aggrey Acwamu when they intercepted by four fishermen who were illegally found fishing on the Ugandan waters of Hama and Wayasi islands in Namayingo.

In the process, the fishermen from the neighbouring Kenya kidnapped Kaponyang in their boat.Security sources indicate that a case of suspected murder by drowning was reported at Namayingo CPS vide GEF. 12/2024 for investigations.

“Search for the missing soldier was mounted and on May 24 at about 5pm. His body was recovered by fishermen on Lake Victoria waters at Singila island in Dolwe Subcounty,” Mr Baleke said.”They handed over the body to the Fisheries Protection Unit and informed us accordingly.”

Baleke added that the body was taken to Bombo Military Barracks for postmortem and further management.It has been established that Private Kaponyang was a resident of Pallisa District

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