Tragic Speeding Incident in Lira: DPP’s Office Extends Sincere Condolences as Two Lives are Lost

WhatsApp Image 2024 05 21 at 03.16.30 1

The Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP) has apologised over an incident in which the institution vehicle knocked dead two people on Monday along the Lira-Soroti highway.

The accident saw the driver of a speeding Toyota Hilux registration number UG 123J lose control of the vehicle hitting a Bajaj motorcycle number UDG 443E .

In a statement on Tuesday, Jacquelyn Okui, the spokesperson of the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions said they regret the incident which took the lives of two people.

“We are profoundly saddened by the loss of life of the two individuals who were riding the motorcycle and extend our heartfelt condolences to their families,loved ones, and community during this difficult time. We are devoted to

providing the bereaved family with the necessary support during this difficult time,” Okui said.

The ODPP spokesperson said they are committed to footing the medical bills of the two victims who were injured during the accident to ensure their full recovery.

“We recognize that road safety is a collective responsibility and are taking definitive steps to prevent similar incidents in the future. The ODPP is working closely with the authorities to thoroughly investigate the incident and

implement measures that prioritize the safety of all road users.”

The Office of the DPP is one of the few government institutions that have in the past admitted their mistakes and promised to rectify them.

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