Masaka journalists file assault, damage claims against Bobi Wine bodyguards

Camera damaged by NUP bodyguards

Two female journalists from the greater Masaka sub-region have filed complaints of assault and damage to equipment against the bodyguards of National Unity Platform (NUP) president Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu, also known as Bobi Wine.

Zainabu Namusaazi, a reporter for Next Media Group, and Margret Kayondo, a correspondent for Radio Ssimba, have accused Kyagulanyi’s bodyguards of physically assaulting them and damaging their equipment while they were on duty in Mmanja village, Kisekka sub-county, Lwengo district, on Saturday.

The incident occurred during the burial of UK-based businessman Pascal Ssekasamba, where tensions flared between NUP leaders and supporters. Namusaazi reported that the guards, led by Achilles Kivumbi, attacked them and destroyed a video camera and a cell phone.

She stated that the guards instructed journalists not to document a confrontation where Kimanya-Kabonera MP Abed Bwanika criticized Kyagulanyi for allegedly sponsoring attacks against party members who disagreed with his leadership.

Namusaazi recounted that Kivumbi ordered his colleagues to seize Bwanika’s microphone, sparking a scuffle that journalists aimed to capture. The guards, some disguised in black masks, then pursued and assaulted the journalists, damaging their equipment. Namusaazi has filed a case against Kivumbi, seeking accountability for the attack.

Margret Kayondo detailed how she was beaten by a group of NUP bouncers clad in red overalls, who accused her of filming the events without an invitation.

She sustained physical injuries, and her smartphone was smashed in the scuffle. Onlookers who recognized her as a journalist intervened to save her. Both journalists recorded their statements at Kiwangala Police Station to initiate an investigation.

Twaha Kasirye, the Greater Masaka Regional police spokesperson, confirmed that the cases had been registered and that investigation teams would summon the suspects for questioning. The police will formally request the NUP leadership to present the suspects to ensure they are held accountable for their actions.

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