Amongi vs Aceng: The Battle for Lira City’s Political Supremacy

Miniters 2

In the heart of Uganda, a political storm is brewing in Lira City. The Minister for Gender, Labour, and Social Development, Betty Amongi, has declared her interest to run for the position of Woman Member of Parliament for Lira City. This move has set the stage for a fierce electoral battle as she seeks to unseat the current Health Minister, Jane Ruth Aceng, who holds the position under the NRM ticket.

The Contenders

Amongi, currently representing Oyam South and affiliated with the Uganda People’s Congress (UPC), is no stranger to the political arena. Her marriage to Jimmy Akena, the UPC party president and Member of Parliament for Lira City East Division, has further solidified her political standing.

On the other hand, Aceng, a respected figure in the health sector, has made significant contributions to the health sector strategic plan, ensuring that health investments are included as a social good for the benefit of all Ugandans.

The Battle Lines

The upcoming 2026 general election has seen both ministers launch an array of mobilisation strategies, rallying support from women’s groups and religious denominations. Their struggle for supremacy has not only fragmented the city’s leadership but also sown discord within the business community, political parties, and religious bodies.

A notable instance of this struggle is the ongoing battle over the removal of Lira City West Speaker, Daniel Okello, who has expressed disloyalty to the sitting Woman MP. This battle was recently brought to rest after 20 councillors from the City West Division wrote to Local government minister Raphael Magezi seeking blessings to remove the embattled speaker.

The Impact on Lira City

The political rivalry between Amongi and Aceng has deepened existing fault lines, with tensions simmering as the 2026 elections draw near. The race for political dominance has polarized the city’s residents, with allegiances divided along partisan lines.

Amongi’s aspiration has ignited hope among her supporters, who view her as a beacon of change and a visionary leader who could change the leadership system in the city. However, critics argue that her aspirations threaten to destabilise the existing political harmony and undermine the achievements of Dr Aceng.

A Call for Unity

Veteran politician in the region, Nelson Adea Akar, has warned that the struggle for supremacy could cost the two ministers soon. He calls for unity, urging the two leaders to agree and sort out the current tension so that they both get back to parliament for more appointments.

As the political storm continues to brew in Lira City, the residents can only hope for a peaceful resolution that will ensure continued development and harmony in the city.


: Nile Post : Parliament of Uganda : Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) : Jimmy Akena, UPC party president : Dr Jane Ruth Aceng, Health Minister : Women’s groups and religious denominations in Lira City : Business community, political parties, and religious bodies in Lira City : Daniel Okello, Lira City West Speaker : Raphael Magezi, Local government minister : Political climate in Lira City : Residents of Lira City : Supporters of Betty Amongi : Critics of Betty Amongi’s bid for Woman MP seat : Nelson Adea Akar, veteran politician : Call for unity among the leaders of Lira City

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