Woman Who Received Mysterious Call At 1am To Collect Free Meat Found Dead

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The tranquillity of Busia District in Eastern Uganda was shattered by a gruesome discovery. The lifeless body of a 40-year-old woman was found dumped in River Solo on May 8, 2024. Police in Busia retrieved the body of a woman who was found dead hours after she received a call.

The incident has sparked a flurry of activity among local authorities, with three suspects already in custody as the investigation unfolds.

According to Moses Mugwe, the Bukedi Region Police Spokesperson, Paulina Lokiru’s body was discovered in the morning. “We received information involving the murder of a 40-year-old woman and have arrested three people as investigations proceed,” stated Mugwe.

However, the motive behind the killing remains elusive, leaving many questions unanswered. A chilling detail that has emerged is a mysterious phone call received by the victim around 1am., tempting her out of her residence under the pretext of distributing free meat. Authorities are diligently probing whether this call played a pivotal role in her tragic demise.

Sam Mbogo, the LCI chairman of Solo ‘A’ Village, recounted how residents stumbled upon the distressing scene while heading to their farms in the morning. “They noticed blood traces along the riverbank, and upon closer inspection, discovered her body lying on the riverbed,” described Mbogo.

Locals remembered Lokiru as a caring individual who diligently worked as a cleaner and often spent time sorting cereals in Busia’s main market. Her husband, Paul Agan, a security guard, provided an alibi for his whereabouts during the incident, stating that he was on duty. Agan expressed disbelief at the tragedy, describing his wife as someone who “never held grudges with anyone,”.

As authorities continue to sift through evidence and the community grapples with the loss of Lokiru, the search for answers intensifies.

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