91 per cent of children in Western Uganda say no to sex, bad touches – report

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A recent study has shown that 91 per cent of teen girls in Kabarole, Kyenjojo, and Bunyangabu districts are saying no to early sex and moving away if someone touches them inappropriately.

The study, titled “The Prevention of and Response to Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) in Western Uganda,” was conducted by Bantwana Initiative Uganda, KUWAZA III-Zanzibar, and the International Center for Research on Women.

Speaking at the dissemination of the study via Zoom on August 21, Ms Kirabo Suubi, a Gender Economist and project lead investigator, said the study aimed to assess the post-intervention knowledge, perceptions, attitudes, agency, and intentions/behaviours related to mitigating risk exposure to CSA and exploitation.

“The study aimed at assessing the post-intervention knowledge, perceptions, attitudes, agency, and intentions/behaviours related to mitigating risk exposure to CSA and exploitation, including reporting and help-seeking in 10 SAFE Model intervention and four control schools, and assessing the extent to which the SAFE intervention is relevant to addressing the CSA problem,” she said.

A total of 707 children including; 329 boys and 378 girls, were interviewed during the baseline phase where 95 per cent reported that they say no to sex and bad touches, a number which was reduced by four per cent during the final phase.

“The reduction was observed across districts and in both intervention and control schools (no significant variation by sex, district, intervention or control communities, and children’s age). Control schools had a higher reduction of children who felt it was ok to sometimes say no to an adult compared to the intervention communities,” the report reads in part.

During both phases, the study indicated that at least 91 per cent of the children are knowledgeable about three of their Rights. The three most common ways of preventing CSA mentioned by children included; not moving at night, not moving alone, and avoiding bad peer groups,” the report adds.

The study revealed that 98 per cent of children are willing to report any sexual abuse inflicted on them or their colleagues both in schools and communities.

“Some parents are concealing cases of defilement, and some parents are having sex with their daughters. Female parents do not report such cases for fear of humiliating their husbands in the community. Such cases are not heard of because some parents choose to keep quiet,” it reads.

Mr John Mugisha, Senior Probation and Welfare Officer at the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, said, “It’s unfortunate to see that communities still hide cases of child sexual abuse in disguise of culture and fearing shame. As the government, we are ready to ensure that we support any efforts aimed at protecting children.”

Ms Evelyn Opondo from IWCS noted, “The findings show some improvement in areas of children knowing their rights about sexual abuse, but we need more interventions to guarantee their safety in schools and communities.”

The study also indicated that a proportion of teachers are willing to report cases of CSA despite disagreement with school authorities.

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