5 tips to keep honey safe, fresh, and delicious

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Taking care of your health and well-being is easier than you think—just add some truly raw honey to your bucket list.

This natural sweetener has plenty of essential enzymes, antioxidants, and nutrients that can help your immune system become stronger.

Honey is an all-round solution for various health problems from improving bad gut health to healing wounds or any digestive issues.

Here are 5 tips on how to preserve honey so that it stays healthy, fresh, and appetizing…

1. Crystallization is only a sign of quality honey, which proves it is healthy
This is a natural process that occurs over time in truly raw honey, and it is an indication of its good quality if it gets cloudy. The glucose inside the honey settles out of the water and crystallizes. While some might think crystallization is a fault, it indicates that the honey is pure and free of artificial additives So actually, that’s a good thing: it means you’re enjoying real honey, just as it is supposed to be.

How do you get your honey to stop being crystalized?

If your honey is crystallized you can place it in a warm water bath to make it liquid again. Avoid using direct heat such as microwaving because this is capable of ruining the useful enzymes and nutrients in your honey.
2. Floral source impacts taste, color, and shelf life of honey
There are so many differences in floral sources that show up in the flavor, color, and shelf life of honey. Inputs from the diverse flowers bring the tastes from tender and floral to bold and robust. The color of this nectar may range from light amber to deep brown, just like nectar. Besides, floral origin determines if the honey is going to crystallize quickly. In itself, crystallization is a natural process and does not indicate spoilage.

3. Heating above 104°f/40°c can ruin the nutritious properties of honey

Temperatures over 104°F/40°C can damage the healthy stuff in honey. When honey gets hotter than 104°F, it loses key enzymes, antioxidants, and minerals.

4. Regularly clean storage containers to avoid residue buildup

Regular cleaning of the storage containers is one of the major reasons behind the quality maintenance of honey. If residues of previous honey or any other products exist, it may alter its taste and purity very significantly.

5. Authenticity test to detect adulterated honey

Check for labels that say the honey is pure and unprocessed. Avoid added sugars or other ingredients to make sure that you are getting the good stuff—high-quality honey.
Just following these easy tips will ensure that your honey is pure, fresh, and full of its natural benefits. Proper storage and handling will not only preserve the quality of honey but also enhance its flavor. Get the most from your raw honey by following these simple steps for storing and handling, as they help you receive the full benefits of this natural sweetener.
Below are some tests to check the purity of honey at home:

Water test:

Fill a glass with water and add one tablespoon of honey, then stir it; if the honey is unadulterated, it will stay at the bottom while fake ones will form into lumps.

Thumb test:

To discern whether a given sample of honey is genuine or not, simply put some on your thumb such that in the case of pure honey, it gets sticky but if otherwise it would be absorbed by your skin.

Heat test:

For this test, take honey in a bowl and heat it for 30 seconds. Pure honey gets caramelized exactly as you would expect; however, anything else other than pure (i.e., slightly damp) might scorch or froth rather than caramelize properly.

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