5 iconic celebrity photos of the week


Celebrating her birthday in style, Nana Ama McBrown dazzled everyone with her show-stopping golden dress. The dress mimicked the elegance of a golden tree, complete with a crown of golden branches and leaves adorning her head.

This ethereal ensemble not only highlighted her regal presence but also showcased her love for intricate and symbolic fashion. McBrown’s look was nothing short of breathtaking, making her one of the most talked-about celebrities this week.

Becca turned heads with her bold and stylish outfit featuring a crop top paired with a large band V-shaped waistband. The unique design showcased the space on her midriff in a distinct V shape, emphasising her toned physique.

This look perfectly blended daring and fashionable, solidifying Becca’s place as a style icon this week.

Serwaa Amihere kept it sleek and sophisticated with her all-black ensemble. She wore a classic black dress paired with black stockings, exuding elegance and grace.

Her understated yet powerful look highlighted her timeless fashion sense, making her stand out as one of the week’s most stylish celebrities.

Sister Derby brought a pop of colour and youthful energy to the week with her cute cornrow hairstyle and vibrant pink top. The playful combination was both fun and fashionable, reflecting her quirky and bold personality.

Her look was a refreshing contrast to the more formal outfits seen this week, making her an unforgettable fashion presence.

Mr. Drew opted for a cool and casual look, wearing a black jacket paired with cream trousers while lounging on a lazy bench.

The relaxed yet stylish outfit perfectly captured his laid-back attitude, making a statement that fashion doesn’t always have to be formal to be impactful. Mr. Drew’s effortless style earned him a spot among this week’s most iconic celebrities.

These celebrities have not only set trends with their fashion choices but have also left a lasting impression with their unique and iconic styles this week.

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