4 warning signs you may be about to go deaf


At first, the signs are not very obvious, but they get worse over time. Their appearance should prompt examination of the hearing system. What might indicate that someone is experiencing hearing problems?

This situation occurs as a result of aging, which is a natural process, but also exposure to very loud sounds or as a result of the use of certain medications.

Audiologists, i.e. specialists, diagnosing and treating hearing disorders, in an interview with Huffpost, indicated four symptoms that indicate the need to check its condition. They should arouse vigilance.

If you constantly have to ask who said what during a conversation, or you feel like people aren’t speaking as clearly as they should, have your hearing checked just in case.

Difficulty hearing when a discussion is accompanied by background noise should also alert you. Problems in recognising the direction from which a given sound is coming or the impression of changes in the sound of one’s own voice should also be of concern.

If your roommates are constantly telling you to turn down the TV or radio, it’s probably time to get your hearing checked.

An annoying ringing, buzzing or humming noise may or may not be a sign of hearing loss. Pain or pressure in the ears should also be a concern.

If you have stopped recording sounds you previously heard in nature, such as birds singing or the sound of rain, consider this as a warning. This may be a matter of distraction, but it also happens that people experiencing hearing loss may stop hearing typical sounds associated with normal functioning.

“Some people say they have trouble hearing common everyday sounds, such as the sound of a turn signal, the gurgling of boiling water, or the sound of a washing machine running,” audiologist, Amy Bishop, told Huffpost.

If you notice one or more signals indicating hearing disorders, be sure to visit a specialist.

People who want to take care of their hearing should protect it properly. For your health, you should avoid staying in noisy places and listening to loud music.

However, when in a noisy environment (concert, renovation), it is worth using earplugs or protective earmuffs. When watching TV or playing music at home, it is a good idea to turn the device a bit quieter.

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