4 feared dead after 3-storey building collapses at Kasoa New Market.


A tragic incident unfolded at the Kasoa New Market in the Awutu Senya East Municipality on Saturday, August 24, 2024, has left four people being feared dead.

According to eyewitnesses, the victims were working on the building at the time of the collapse.

A video shared by EDHUB, a user on X, confirmed the tragic events. The video captured the devastating aftermath, revealing the extent of the destruction and the heartbreak of those who witnessed it.

One of the eyewitnesses, who spoke to local media, described the incident.

“Family, the sad incident happened at Kasoa. This three-storey building collapsed and four people have died; may their souls rest in peace. This is so sad. Some are young girls learning trade as well as workers. This happened at the Kasoa New Market,” he recounted.

The victims included both workers and young apprentices who were on-site at the time. The collapse has left the community in deep sorrow, as they come to terms with the incident.

Investigations are expected to be launched to determine the factors that led to this tragic event.

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