
Breaking News: 3 men receive 9-year sentence for cattle theft

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In a recent court case, three individuals from Harare, Tapiwa Tsingidzi, Fast Mutata, and Emmerson Makahamadze, were found guilty of ste@ling cattle in Karoi and selling the meat in Harare.

The trio appeared before the Karoi Magistrates’ Court, facing charges of stock th3ft.According to reports, the court heard that on August 29, the three men, armed with knives, ropes, and empty sacks, entered the complainant’s cattle pen around 9 pm and st0le two beasts.

They then drove the cattle to a secluded area, slaughtered them, and transported the meat to Harare for sale.

The men were each sentenced to nine and a half years in prison, with six months suspended on the condition that they pay $1,000 in restitution to the cattle owner.The total value of the stolen cattle was $1,000, and none of the st0len property was recovered.

The case came to light when the three men were caught attempting to commit a similar crime, leading to their arrest and subsequent sentencing.This incident highlights the ongoing issue of cattle theft and meat sale in the region.

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