27th Church of Uganda provincial assembly convenes in Mukono

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The 27th Church of Uganda Provincial Assembly has started today and the event will run until August 23, 2024 at Uganda Christian University, Mukono.

The congregation comprises of representatives from all dioceses in the Province. This event is being used to highlight the some of the church’s achievements and contributions and among them is the Church of Uganda’s final loan payment for Janani Luwum Church House. 

The day started with a service led by His grace the archbishop Stephen Kazimba Mugalu. This was followed by introduction of the different clergy and delegates from the various Church of Uganda dioceses.

Thereafter, His grace the archbishop Kazimba Mugalu welcomed the chief guest of the day Mr. John R. Musinguzi, Commissioner General of Uganda Revenue Authority who went ahead and gave an overview about the growth of URA from its time of inception to its current status.

He further sensitized the audience about the role URA plays in building the economy through taxes and how the tax structure is implemented.

Subsequently, Equity bank used same opportunity to officially congratulate the Church of Uganda upon the final loan payment for Janani Luwum Church House which was marked by a cake cutting session and official title handover.

During her congratulatory remarks, the ED Equity bank Uganda Elizabeth Mwerinde Kasedde – “We are very excited to release the title of church house to the Church of Uganda and we are looking forward to supporting more projects. Thank you so much for partnering with us.

I’ve been looking forward to this opportunity to thank the leaders of the church, because they participated in this journey wholeheartedly, and all the points that were mentioned today by our guest of honor. Thank you so much, and we shall continue to transform your lives, giving dignity and expanding opportunities for wealth creation together with the help of God.”

While giving thanking remarks, the Archbishop Kazimba Mugalu greatly thanked Equity bank for the partnership through the church house loan that gave them a boost to complete the project after 40 years.

“I would like to thank all men and women of God, of other denominations who have supported us towards the completion of this milestone so that we realize the dream of Church house. And I want to appreciate my fathers in the faith who came before me, because I am the 9th”. 

This idea came during the time of Archbishop Eric Sabiiti, Archbishop Janani Luwum where each one of those have made a significant contribution.

“I want to appreciate Archbishop Emeritus Henry Orombi, who approached Equity bank, and they made a deal of giving us a loan of 60 billion, thank you very much and now we receive our title and receive a building.”

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