
24 Year Old Female Mbale City Resident Killed in Kumi Municipality

A 24 year old resident of Nandala Cell, Nandala Ward, Nakaloke Municipality, Mbale City has been killed in Kumi Municipality.According to Edson Obukulem the East Kyoga Police Acting Spokesperson, Sulaima Musa is suspected to have been murdered by her husband, Ramathan on the night of Monday 9th September, 2024 at unknown time during in Bazaar cell, Kumi Municipality.

Obukulem confirmed in a press statement that Police in Kumi Central Police Station were notified and a case was immediately registered vide CRB 498/2024 of CPS Kumi.He said the scene was visited by a team of police officers led by Sp Edatu Cosmas, DPC Kumi.“It’s alleged that the suspect and the deceased have been cohabiting at Nandala cell in Mbale city and they have one child,” said Obukulem.

He added that the suspect then relocated to rent a house in Bazaar cell in Kumi Municipality where he has been doing business of selling water melon.However outside sources told this website that on the 09/09/2024, the deceased came and found the husband with another woman at home in Bazaar cell where they picked a fight and he is suspected to have killed her during the night.Meanwhile, the Body of the deceased was taken to Atutur hospital mortuary pending postmortem.Obukulem further added that Ramathan, a male adult of about 32 years is still on run.

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