2024 elections: Vote Bawumia to continue my legacy — Nana Addo


He urged Ghanaians to entrust Dr Mahamudu Bawumia with their mandate, to continue the work initiated by the New Patriotic Party (NPP) government.

He argued that Bawumia is uniquely positioned to build on these achievements, given his involvement in their planning and execution.

Nana Addo praised Bawumia’s economic acumen, particularly his role in digitalising the economy, which has improved efficiency in government services and increased revenue collection.

I can say in all good conscience that I have not betrayed the mandate the good people of Ghana conferred on me on two successive occasions.

All this has been done in part due to the support I have received from you and the Church and above all due to the grace of Almighty God through whom I express my deepest gratitude.

I pray that you continue with the same level of cooperation with my successor, God willing, my Vice President, Alhaji Dr Mahamudu Bawumia and his dynamic running mate, Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh, popularly known to all and sundry here in Kumasi as Napo,” he said.

Both the NPP and the National Democratic Congress (NDC) have intensified their campaigns, each making the case for why they deserve the mandate of the Ghanaians ahead of the December 7 elections.

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