2024 elections: Ursula Owusu appeals to constituents to vote big for Bawumia

Ursula Owusu-Ekuful highlighted Dr Bawumia’s dedication, visionary leadership, and the significant strides he has made in transforming Ghana’s economy through digital initiatives.

Dr Bawumia, she stated has proven time and again that he is a leader who understands the challenges facing the country and has the solutions to address them.

She urged all her constituents to come out in their numbers and vote massively for Bawumia to continue the good work.

She also underscored the need for continuity in governance to sustain the progress made by the NPP government.

She pointed to various projects and policies implemented under the current administration, including the digitisation of public services, the mobile money interoperability system, and the expansion of infrastructure across the country.

As the election date approaches, the NPP is intensifying its campaign efforts across the country, with leaders like Ursula Owusu-Ekuful playing a crucial role in galvanising support for Dr Bawumia.

The Vice President has been lauded for his innovative approach to governance, particularly in the areas of digital economy and financial inclusion, which have earned him widespread acclaim both locally and internationally.

Ursula Owusu-Ekuful called on her constituents to remain united and focused as they prepare to cast their votes.

She urged all to out on December 7 and vote overwhelmingly for Dr Bawumia to keep Ghana on the path of prosperity.

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