2024 elections: 39 presidential nomination forms picked so far

As of last Wednesday, August 27, 2024, 27 individuals and 12 political parties have obtained nomination forms to enter the presidential race.

The current landscape resembles more of a lottery than a rigorous assessment of candidacies, given the country’s political history where only two parties—the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the New Patriotic Party (NPP)—have held the presidency since the return to constitutional rule in 1993.

Both parties have governed consecutively for eight years on two separate occasions.

Other political parties that have appeared on the presidential ballot have largely been sidelined or absorbed into the major two.

For instance, in the 1992 and 1996 elections, the NDC secured victory with alliances such as the Progressive Alliance in 1992, which included the Egle Party and the National Convention Party, and with the Egle Party and the Democratic People’s Party (DPP) in 1996.

Similarly, the NPP formed the Great Alliance with the People’s Convention Party (PCP) before winning the presidency in the 2000 elections.

Since then, smaller parties have struggled to maintain relevance, with only the NDC and NPP holding seats in the legislature since the 2016 elections.

The 12 political parties that have obtained nomination forms include:

  • New Patriotic Party (NPP)
  • National Democratic Congress (NDC)
  • Convention People’s Party (CPP)
  • Progressive People’s Party (PPP)
  • Great Consolidated Popular Party (GCPP)
  • All People’s Congress (APC)
  • People’s National Convention (PNC)
  • Liberal Party of Ghana (LPG)
  • Ghana Union Movement (GUM)
  • National Democratic Party (NDP)
  • Ghana Freedom Party (GFP)
  • Progressive Alliance for Ghana (PAG)

Independent aspirants who have received passcodes from the Electoral Commission (EC) include:

  • George Twum-Barim-Adu
  • Samuel Apea-Danquah
  • Alan K. Kyerematen
  • Nana Kwame Bediako
  • Jacob Osei Yeboah
  • Richard Sumah
  • Kofi Koranteng
  • Desmond Abrefa
  • Dr Agnes Ayisha
  • Dr Nii Amu Darko
  • Wilberforce Andrews
  • Nana Stephens
  • Rev. Samuel Worlanyo
  • T. K. Amenya
  • Robert Roy Reindorf
  • Paul Perkoh
  • Seth Ntim Agyarko
  • Stephen Atubiga
  • Janet Asana Nabla
  • Sam Ankrah
  • Nana Ohene Aggrey Bentsil Djan
  • Tom Asiseh
  • Kenneth Kwame Asamoah
  • Tawiah N. Hemans
  • Muhammad Abdullah
  • James Kwasi Oppong
  • Isaac Wiafe Ofori

Disqualified candidates may appeal the EC’s decision. The final list of qualified candidates will be announced after the completion of the nomination period.

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