11 celebs that were born in August

August is a popular month for the birthdays of many well-known celebrities, especially in the entertainment industry. Here’s a list of celebrities who were born in August:

  • Van Vicker is a renowned Ghanaian actor and entrepreneur known for his roles in numerous Nollywood and Ghanaian films. He has earned a reputation as one of West Africa’s leading actors.

  • Caroline Sampson is a well-known Ghanaian radio and television personality. She has hosted several shows and is admired for her engaging on-air presence.

  • Becca is a celebrated Ghanaian singer and songwriter who has made a significant impact on the African music scene. With hits like “You Lied to Me,” Becca has garnered numerous awards and a large fan base.

  • Nana Ama McBrown is a beloved Ghanaian actress and television presenter. Known for her versatility and captivating performances, she is one of Ghana’s most respected figures in the entertainment industry.

  • King Promise is a popular Ghanaian singer and songwriter, known for his smooth vocals and hit songs like “CCTV” and “Sisa.” He’s one of the leading voices in contemporary Ghanaian music.

  • Kafui Danku is a Ghanaian actress, producer, and author. She has starred in and produced several successful Ghanaian films, making her a notable figure in the industry.

  • KiDi is a talented Ghanaian singer and songwriter, best known for his hit singles like “Odo” and “Say Cheese.” He has quickly risen to fame and is recognised as one of the leading Afrobeat artists in Africa.

  • Fella Makafui is a Ghanaian actress and entrepreneur, widely recognised for her role in the popular TV series “YOLO.” She’s also known for her business ventures and strong social media presence.

  • Joey B is a Ghanaian rapper and singer known for his unique style and hits like “Tonga.” He has collaborated with many top artists in Ghana and continues to be a significant influence in the music scene.

  • Sister Derby, also known as Deborah Vanessa, is a Ghanaian singer, model, and TV presenter. She’s known for her unique style and hit songs like “Uncle Obama.”

  • Joselyn Dumas is a renowned Ghanaian actress and television host. With her captivating screen presence and talent, she has become one of Ghana’s most admired celebrities.

These celebrities, born in August, have made significant contributions to the entertainment industry in Ghana and beyond, each bringing their unique talents and personalities to the forefront.

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