10 Killed, 36 Injured As Long Distance Bus Crashes At Night



Tehran: Ten people were killed after a long-distance bus traveling from the southern Iranian province of Bushehr to the northeastern city of Mashhad overturned near Saghand village.

At least 36 people were left injured after the tragic incident.

According to a report by English News, the accident occurred at around 2.20am.

Iran’s traffic police said the bus veered off the road, drove into a mining access point, and overturned.

Six relief teams were promptly sent to the accident scene, and the injured were transported to medical centres for treatment.

The bus was carrying approximately 51 passengers at the time of the incident.

The cause of the bus veering off the road and overturning is still under investigation. Once the probe is complete, details will be announced.

Back in the country, two people lost their lives after a tragic accident near the Argwings Kodhek Junction and Oledume Road.

Police said the victims in the Monday, September 16 accident included a boda boda rider and his pillion passenger.

Preliminary investigations indicate that a Kenya Bus Service (KBS) bus racing from Kawangware to the city centre failed its brakes and rammed into several motorcycles and motor vehicles ahead of it.

Eyewitnesses said the accident began when the bus, en route to Nairobi’s Central Business District, hit a double cabin pick-up from behind.

The traffic police officer on the scene flagged down the bus, instructing the driver to stop.

However, the bus driver defied the police officer and attempted to flee before crashing the motorcycle in the other lane.


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